You can start on a little routine with your puppy from the day you bring her home. Maltipoos are smart, enough to pick it up quickly. Most people get their puppies between 8-10 weeks and it's a good rule of thumb that dogs can hold their bladders for as many hours as months old they are when they're puppies. So an 8-10 week puppy is about 2 months old and on average could hold their bladder for about 2 hours. It's ideal if you have a loose schedule for those first few days to get your puppy into a good routine. Here's a sample routine:
7:00 am wake up and immediately take puppy outside to eliminate
7:30 am breakfast and water
7:45 am back outside to eliminate
8:00-12:00 pm play and rest (outside to eliminate every 2 hours or when your dog looks like she needs to go)
12:15 pm lunch and water
12:30 pm outside to eliminate
12:45 - 6:00 pm play and rest (outside to eliminate every 2 hours or when your dog looks like they need to go)
6:15 pm dinner and water
6:30 pm outside to eliminate
7:00 - 9:45 pm play (no more food or water) (outside to eliminate every 2 hours or when your dog looks like she needs to go)
10:00 pm outside to eliminate for the last time that night
10:15 pm bed time
7:00 am wake up and immediately take puppy outside to eliminate
7:30 am breakfast and water
7:45 am back outside to eliminate
8:00-12:00 pm play and rest (outside to eliminate every 2 hours or when your dog looks like she needs to go)
12:15 pm lunch and water
12:30 pm outside to eliminate
12:45 - 6:00 pm play and rest (outside to eliminate every 2 hours or when your dog looks like they need to go)
6:15 pm dinner and water
6:30 pm outside to eliminate
7:00 - 9:45 pm play (no more food or water) (outside to eliminate every 2 hours or when your dog looks like she needs to go)
10:00 pm outside to eliminate for the last time that night
10:15 pm bed time
House training tips
Dogs are creatures of habit and Maltipoos pick up on habits very quickly. Try to follow the schedule above, adapted to your own times of course. Every time you take your puppy outside to eliminate try to be as consistent as possible. Put your puppy on her leash and walk them to her "spot" or area where you want her to eliminate in your yard. Say the same command every time like, "go potty" in a nice tone. Praise her when she's completed her task. This will help engrain this simple routine into her brain. It is also helpful to leave a few of her stools in her potty area when she is learning as dogs mark their spot and the scent will remind her that this is where she needs to do her business.
How to handle accidents
You have a new puppy so you are bound to have some accidents. The best method is prevention. Try to follow the little routine above by taking your puppy outside at consistent intervals. And try to keep an eye on her. Watch for signs that she needs to go to the bathroom such as whining and super interested sniffing or scratching. But of course there will be accidents! When your puppy has an accident try your best to catch her in the act. And tell her "no" in a stern voice. But do not scare her, this could cause other problems such as submissive urination and could encourage repeat offenses. Tell her a stern "no" and when she's stopped, pick the puppy up and take her outside to her potty area telling her to go potty in a more gentle tone.
Make sure you clean up the soiled area thoroughly. Dogs have a very strong sense of smell and even if you can't smell it they might still be able to and could repeat eliminating in that area. One of the best products (Bubba's Stain and Odor Remover) is sold on Amazon and not only removes the stain, but the odor as well and is safe to use on wood floors, rugs, carpet and upholstery.
Make sure you clean up the soiled area thoroughly. Dogs have a very strong sense of smell and even if you can't smell it they might still be able to and could repeat eliminating in that area. One of the best products (Bubba's Stain and Odor Remover) is sold on Amazon and not only removes the stain, but the odor as well and is safe to use on wood floors, rugs, carpet and upholstery.